Monday, July 14, 2008

Trainings in Call Centers

Author by Hani Masgidi
The remarkable growth of Call Center Industry has ushered to the opening of Call Center Training schools. Training schools may be accessed on line where all claim to be best in the field. There are two constants in the area of training; one is that training costs and it is actually consuming large portion of call center’s resources; two is the accounting of the result of the training, there must be an improvement in the performance that would justify the resources spent.

Training is made so as to improve and further develop the performance of an agent. The training satisfies two areas such the personal and individual professional growth of the agent and his delivery of good productivity to the company. With good training, the call center should expect the following results:
- Agents could handle themselves more professionally and with confidence. 
- New hires could no longer be distinguished from the experienced agent.
- Better customer satisfaction. - Better productivity.
Training is not a one time deal, it is continuous. It is an indispensable tool that would help to keep the performance of agents on target. Best agents are those that have both the training and the experience. A call center agent is developed as he faces and handles the widest set of situations in the day to day performance of his job. But an experienced and consistently trained agent performs best. Good training provides additional knowledge and confidence to the agent. An effective training is one that derives its training objectives from the business objectives.  There are two truths with training; it could only claim to be effective when the results are seen and it is a continuing program. Training is a part of growth and development resulting to a better performing individual. Here are some good reasons why a call center executive should be an advocate of continuous training: 
- It boosts morale. An agent would feel motivated will the newly acquired knowledge and added skills.
- It costs less than recruiting and hiring. Call center have the reputation of having the greatest turn over and this could be reduced if not eliminated through training.
- Training stimulates the desire of an individual to improve.
- Training keeps the pace with the rapidly changing technology.
- It develops teamwork and thus results to better productivity.
- Training is an investment that returns many times over. Because it raises morale it directly boosts efficiency and therefore productivity.
- Training raises the rookie to a professional. Investing in training your staff or agents gives the feeling of being valued that could help build their loyalty to the company.  
- It eliminates stress. A good training provides agents with the skills and tools needed to handle stressful situations, especially in dealing with angry customers.

Considering all of these, management and supervisors can rest assured that the call center operation will run smoothly and customers will be satisfied with the service they receive from a motivated call center agent. All Center training is not mere compliance to a system; it is an essential part of development and an absolute requirement, just like computers and head sets to a call center.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Do they just offer speech training? Would you know how much is the minimum charges that they ask?
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