In terms of the components of a quality call/contact, the following list, which must be credited to
Brad Cleveland since it comes from his book, Call Center Management on Fast Forward, represents the basic components that span across industries, contact types and customer types:
- Customer does not get a busy signal when using telephone or "no response" from Web site
- Customer is not placed in queue for too long
- Agent provides correct response
- All data entry is correct
- Agent captures all needed/useful information
- Agent has "Pride in Workmanship"
- Contact is necessary in the first place
- Customer receives correct information
- Customer has confidence contact was effective
- Customer doesn't feel it necessary to check-up, verify or repeat
- People "down the line" can correctly interpret the order
- Customer is not transferred around
- Customer doesn't get rushed
- Customer is satisfied
- Unsolicited marketplace feedback is detected and documented
- Call center's mission is accomplished
After this, it is really a matter of determining the specifics for your center (as mentioned above). A great way to truly understand and accomplish this list is to ask your representatives...get them involved in defining a quality call. Not only is this a wonderful team meeting exercise (which spurs a lot of excellent discussion and ideas), but since they are truly the main point of contact with your customers they will know better than anyone except for the customers themselves. Which leads me to suggest looking at your customer surveys for what customers say is important or conduct some surveys asking them what is important.
Article Source: Rose Polchin, Senior Consultant, ICMI
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