Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Incoming Calls Management Institute (ICMI) recently published a study guide for CIAC certification on People Management and included information on evaluating training effectiveness. The following is an excerpt:
At a basic level, evaluation consists of defining objectives, specifying those objectives measurably, and then assessing the extent to which learners have mastered those objectives. To determine the results of training, management must establish baseline performance metrics based on the needs assessment. That is, "What measurement is used to identify the gap?" After the training has been conducted, these performance metrics can be evaluated to determine the effect of the training. Of course, other influences (e.g., a change in procedures, new technology) should be noted to ensure the positive or negative effect was due to training.
Training programs should be evaluated on four levels:
  1. Reaction: What are the participants' feedback on the training? This is typically measured through a survey and usually covers such items as program methodology, group and individual exercises, quality of materials and media, facilitator capabilities, facilities, etc.
  2. Learning evaluation: This is the process of collecting, analyzing and reporting information to assess how much the participants learned and applied in the learning environment.
  3. Application to the job: This step assesses the degree to which the knowledge, skills and abilities taught in the classroom are being used on the job.
  4. Evaluating the impact and ROI: This is the process of determining the impact of training on organizational productivity, improved customer satisfaction and the organization's strategic business plan. What is the change in business metrics attributable to training? What is the return on the training investment (typically calculated by dividing the net dollar value of the benefit by the costs of training)?
Article Source: Debbie Harne, Director of Educational Services, ICMI,

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