A call center business demands a significant cash investment. These include employees, key equipment, and business location. You could effectively cut down costs and provide good call center management if you have a clear understanding of these basic sources of call center expenses.
People make up 90 % of your call center investment. They are the frontline fo your business. Hiring the right people and offering them the right incentive could spell success for your investment. Without the proper renumerations, a call center will suffer from a high turn-over. People won’t stay long in the company and it cost more in terms of training lost and resources. How could you trim down the employees aspect of a call center? Well, it’s simple, actually. You implement a sensible hiring process. Screen applicants to weed out the “ unfits” , the “ misfits”, and the people who do not have any customer service inclinations. This way, you hire only people who are best fitted for the job. Go for quality, rather than the
quantity of recruits. It is better to hire 15 best performing call center employees rather than hire, train, and pay 30 mediocre employees. And once you have good workers, constantly monitor and upgrate their productivity. It is worth mentioning that you should also make pro-active plans regarding :
quantity of recruits. It is better to hire 15 best performing call center employees rather than hire, train, and pay 30 mediocre employees. And once you have good workers, constantly monitor and upgrate their productivity. It is worth mentioning that you should also make pro-active plans regarding :
a.) Agents’ Talk Time— you should implement the necessary metrics to gauge an agent’s work output. The longer your employee stays on the phone for one caller, the more costly it will be for your company.
b.) Resources —- the agent should be able to resolve a caller issues and not transfer the call to a supervisor. Provide your employees with comprehensive trainings.
c.) Total volume of contacts— while a call center welcomes calls, there are some call types which are best blocked at the start. This generally refers to prank callers, stray calls, and other unproductive callers. Your call center must decisively handle these types of calls.
Call center operations need dedicated phone lines, computer workstations, and proprietary software. You
will incur bigger expenses if you go for used equipments or worse, inferior hardware. While these equipment may initially cost less at start up, you will be plagued with server downtime, choppy receptions, and costly repairs. Better select the best equipment and software available at the start to have a worry-free call center operation, than suffer from periodical interruptions due to faulty equipment. I n this regard, you should do some research on the hardware vendors. Conduct business only with legitimate and duly licensed vendor companies.
will incur bigger expenses if you go for used equipments or worse, inferior hardware. While these equipment may initially cost less at start up, you will be plagued with server downtime, choppy receptions, and costly repairs. Better select the best equipment and software available at the start to have a worry-free call center operation, than suffer from periodical interruptions due to faulty equipment. I n this regard, you should do some research on the hardware vendors. Conduct business only with legitimate and duly licensed vendor companies.
US-based companies pay premium fees on employees’ salaries and building costs. However, outsourcing your call center to other locations— like Philippines or India– results to substantial cost reduction. No wonder companies prefer to invest in call centers abroad. Basically, it costs less building call centers in foreign locations outside USA.
Cutting down unnecessary call center operational costs can be achieved with sound call center management strategies. You should exercise caution, though, on what , where, and how to cut expenses for greater impact and effectivity. Otherwise, you will be spending more than you hope to save in the long run.
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Your comment about needing proper equipment is so true. I worked in a call center that used a software that would periodically pull the same number/call for more than 1 caller at the same time and when that happened it would crash the whole system. This would require a re-boot which rendered everyone unable to work for about 20 minutes. Yes, it was a cheaper software but did they not consider the downtime?
I believe so that choosing reliable equipment and solutions for callcenter is a vital key in making sure your callcenter would do well.
It would also help if you read more about callcenter industry updates.
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